Ethically Gathered Data as a powerful data source
What is declarative data?
Why does it have to be consensual?
What do we mean by secured?
Effectively understanding consumers, delivering optimized experiences and personalizing marketing requires high-resolution consumer data. However, the rules of data privacy have changed and the power is now in consumers’ hands. Consumers are more aware of their privacy rights than ever, and are walking away from companies who do not prioritize these rights. Today’s digital economy requires that these companies keep up with their consumers while addressing their data privacy concerns.
Introducing Ethically Gathered Data – data that is declarative, consensual, and secured. Ethically Gathered Data not only reflects today’s privacy-first environment, but is also an effective granular yet scalable data source, saving companies tremendous amounts of resources.
So how can you use Ethically Gathered Data to deliver effective, optimized and highly personalized experiences while maintaining data privacy? Just ask your consumers.
What is declarative data?
Why does it have to be consensual?
What do we mean by secured?